📚 In our Chinese class, students showcased a wide array of learning abilities and unique character traits. The lessons, centered on fostering emotional awareness and expression, guided students to appreciate how poets beautifully convey emotions through their verses. This process not only deepened their understanding of language but also sparked their inquirer spirit 🔍, encouraging them to explore the nuanced layers of meaning behind the words. With open-minded curiosity 🌱, they sharpened their ability to observe details and connect deeply with literary expressions.
🖋️ To enhance their emotional articulation, students were encouraged to practice using richer vocabulary and crafting sentences that effectively conveyed their inner thoughts. Through these exercises, they embodied the qualities of communicators, learning to express themselves clearly and persuasively while honing their linguistic and writing skills.
👥 For fourth and fifth graders, group story-writing projects provided a fantastic opportunity to showcase their collaborative skills. Within these creative endeavors, they worked together with clear roles and mutual support, crafting imaginative stories as a team. This not only fostered teamwork but also helped students realize that creative processes are as much about collective wisdom as individual talent. ✨ Additionally, the experience inspired their creativity and deepened their interest in writing, laying a foundation for more advanced learning in the future.
🍁 To align with the Thanksgiving spirit in November, we introduced a daily gratitude practice in our lessons. At the end of each class, students reflected on their learning and daily life, writing about the people or things they were grateful for. This activity nurtured their reflective habits and taught them to appreciate and cherish the beauty in life 🌈. Through writing about gratitude, they developed a positive, contented mindset that enriched their learning experience.
📚 在小學部的中文課中,孩子們展現了多元的學習能力與人格特質。課程以啟發感受與表達為核心,透過欣賞詩人如何在詩句中細膩地傳達情感,孩子們不僅學習到了對文字的深刻理解,也在過程中激發了探索者的精神 🔍。他們以開放的態度投入學習 🌱,試圖挖掘文字背後的情感層次,進一步鍛煉了對細節的敏銳觀察力與對文學的感知力。
🖋️ 為了讓情感表達更加具體,孩子們被鼓勵練習運用更豐富的詞彙,透過造句與練筆,嘗試用文字傳遞自己的內心感受。在這過程中,他們展現了溝通者的特質,學習如何用清晰而有感染力的方式表達自己,提升了語言能力和文字的表達技巧。
👥 四、五年級的孩子更是在小組故事創作活動中體現了協作者的能力。在小組合作的框架下,他們分工明確,互相支持,共同完成了一個個充滿想像力的故事 ✨。這不僅增進了他們的團隊合作精神,也幫助孩子們明白創作的過程不僅是個人能力的展現,更是一種集體智慧的凝聚。同時,創作故事的過程也激發了他們的創造力與對寫作的興趣,為未來更高層次的學習奠定了基礎。
🍁 為了與11月感恩節的氛圍相呼應,課堂還加入了每日感恩練習的環節。在每堂課的結束時,孩子們會回顧自己的學習和生活,並寫下想要感謝的人或事。這樣的活動幫助孩子們培養反思者的習慣,學會感恩與珍惜 🌈。在書寫感恩的過程中,他們體會到生活中點滴的美好,從而以更加積極、知足的心態投入學習。