As we celebrate this joyous holiday season, we want to take a moment to thank you for being an indispensable part of the Eton Hill family. Over the past year, your dedication, support, and efforts have made our community a place of warmth and growth, creating countless cherished memories.
This year, students organized a special Christmas gift exchange at school. By sharing second-hand gifts, we not only spread holiday cheer but also embraced the spirit of sustainability, reflecting the values of the SDGs. 🌍✨ This meaningful activity reminds us that the true value of a gift lies in the thought behind it, not its form. 🎁
We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Vice Principal Jason 🎅 and all the parents for preparing thoughtful gifts for our staff and students. These acts of kindness have filled this winter with extra warmth and joy. Together, we continue to build a community rooted in care and support. ❤️
We wish every student and family laughter and treasured moments during this festive season. May the new year bring you hope, success, and endless opportunities! 🌟
在這洋溢著歡樂與感恩的聖誕佳節,我們衷心感謝您是 Eton Hill 大家庭中不可或缺的一份子!過去一年,因為有學生、家長與教職團隊的共同努力與支持,讓我們的校園充滿溫暖與成長的故事,留下無數值得珍惜的回憶🥳
今年學生們特別策劃了一場聖誕交換禮物活動 🎁,透過二手禮物的分享,不僅傳遞了節日的喜悅 🎄,也實踐了 SDGs 的永續精神,展現了資源珍惜與環境保護的理念 🌍✨。這份活動提醒我們,禮物的價值在於心意,而非形式 ❤️。
我們也要特別感謝副校長 Jason 🎅 與家長夥伴們為全校師生準備的暖心小禮物 🎁,讓這個冬天充滿了更多的溫暖與感動。因為有大家的愛與支持,Eton Hill 成為了一個彼此扶持的大家庭 ❤️。
祝福每一位學生與家庭,在這個特別的日子裡充滿歡笑與美好回憶 🎉,也願新的一年帶來更多希望與機會!🌟